


----------          ----------            ----------
- 工作区 -          - 暂存区 -            - 版本区 -
----------          ----------            ----------
mkdir learngit && cd learngit

cat readme.txt

// git add添加到暂存区
git add .
// git commit添加到版本去
git commit -m 'add readme.txt'


cat readme.txt
hello world
// git status 查看git状态
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   readme.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
$git checkout -- readme.txt


cat readme.txt
hello world
git add readme.txt
//git status
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)

        modified:   readme.txt

$git reset HEAD readme.txt
//现在到了第一部分状态,如果还需要撤销工作区,则使用git checkout -- 


git log --pretty=oneline
18922e3e9e61b1751f0fd303aee748ebfccc40ab add readme.txt
7a5f43cb31064668cad71248938a4d689aaf6145 conflict fixed
64c89a8d442c4218317ef411464110ae6e5819f5 & simple
d9260815d60761265756e87d70f943c383c3a634 AND simple
26e7d741e3e04a83b65cf5b0dff33b2890220c85 branch test
9aa361d1d953ad3e690589eae089803e593736aa 第二次add。提交
99d92f4ddc44b1e30440c17a62f714af54f8c2bb git tracks changes
69cb4dd23f0d49c1aca10caa1ef94a67fb0a9d85 understand how stage works
95df0c84c7e04daac53429e3950176c178bcbee8 append GPL
e3b37158391390420d80d5c3b3b4e4546b8c4824 add distributed
ffc2573160881a9d91b84853d5b62f84075044b2 wrote areadme file
// HEAD^表示返一层  HEAD^^表示返两层,依次类推,数量多的话可能数不过来,就用HEAD~100

git reset --hard HEAD^

//再次查看历史版本,“add readme.txt” 这个版本已经消失了
$ git log --pretty=oneline
7a5f43cb31064668cad71248938a4d689aaf6145 conflict fixed
64c89a8d442c4218317ef411464110ae6e5819f5 & simple
d9260815d60761265756e87d70f943c383c3a634 AND simple
26e7d741e3e04a83b65cf5b0dff33b2890220c85 branch test
9aa361d1d953ad3e690589eae089803e593736aa 第二次add。提交
99d92f4ddc44b1e30440c17a62f714af54f8c2bb git tracks changes
69cb4dd23f0d49c1aca10caa1ef94a67fb0a9d85 understand how stage works
95df0c84c7e04daac53429e3950176c178bcbee8 append GPL
e3b37158391390420d80d5c3b3b4e4546b8c4824 add distributed
ffc2573160881a9d91b84853d5b62f84075044b2 wrote areadme file


git reset --hard 18922
// git status 查一下,是不是回到了20世纪

如果清屏了,可以利用git reflog查看历史操作, 可以在里面找到版本号

15 Aug 2017